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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Top Professions - 2005

Other day a friend of mine and I were discussing our dream careers. This prompted me to do some research to find out the top jobs/professions. From the discussion it was clear that the top things people look for in their profession are (not necessarily in that order),

  1. Passion for the job and it's impact
  2. Challenges and opportunities for innovation/creativity
  3. Financial stability and growth

Again the composition of the above reasons in the definition of a perfect job may differ from person to person. Some people may define a job with lesser challenges but larger impact as a dream job while others may disagree with it. But the underlying pattern here is "change". A perfect job has to have those subtle changes and new challenges that would keep the individual motivated.

I found this article on the web that gave the top 25 professions for 2005. The top jobs are ranked based on demand, salary, innovation and investment in education. It turns out that the top profession is the one of a personal financial advisor. Suprisingly, though there were many medical related professions listed, there was no mention of a surgeon or a physician on the list. Software Engineers turn out to be 3rd in the list. Lawyers, actors and even chiropractors :) make it to the top 25.

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